In a devastating incident, aspiring graduate Newton was discovered dead along with her family members, just days before she was set to participate in Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) commencement ceremony. Police report that family members had flown into town on Tuesday to celebrate Newton’s achievement but became concerned when she did not pick them up from the airport and failed to respond to phone calls.
Fearing for her safety, friends and family went to her apartment, where they made the grim discovery of multiple bodies. School officials confirmed that Newton had earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from GCU in 2022 and had been studying online for her Master’s of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She was scheduled to walk across the stage at Global Credit Union Arena at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.
GCU released a statement expressing their sorrow: “Our thoughts and prayers are with Monet and her family during this difficult time. We are making counseling and support services available to anyone in the GCU family who knew Monet.”
The Glendale Police Department has initiated a homicide investigation and is urging anyone involved in a domestic violence situation to seek help. Resources are available via The Hotline website, by calling 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or by texting “START” to 88788