Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo Continues With Its “Open, Fashion Week” Concept For SS25

To improve the fashion week itself, the event will continue under its current concept, “Open, Fashion Week,” which is devoted to supporting Tokyo’s local fashion scene among a larger audience. The 2025 season will feature the newest and best-quality designs under the topic “FASHION FANFARE.” The theme attempts to “capture a playful nature and the…

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Are People Seeing Demons? Exploring the Hidden World of the Rare Disease Prosopometamorphopsia (PMO)

What is Prosopometamorphopsia (PMO)  Different from the more widely recognised facial blindness, prosopometamorphopsia (PMO) is a rare visual condition. Face blindness makes it more difficult to recognize faces, but PMO immerses them in a world where well-known features take on horrifying alterations. In contrast to facial blindness, the problem for those with PMO is skewed…

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Chaos in Dhaka: Job Quota Controversy Ignites Fatal Protests Across Bangladesh

In the heart of Dhaka, Bangladesh, chaos erupted as anti-government protests descended into violent clashes, leaving over 175 dead in a tragic confrontation between police and university students. This wave of unrest has thrown the nation into a state of emergency, with authorities imposing a nationwide internet blackout and curfew in a desperate bid to…

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President Biden creates a commission for national reparations

The effects of slavery are still felt by Black Americans today, as they are confronted with systemic racism, brutality, discrimination, and inequalities in housing, health, education, the environment, police, and law enforcement. The deaths of Black individuals like Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor, as well as the widespread rallies against racial inequity, show…

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