Chemical Accident at Brimhall Aquatic Complex: Safety Measures and Investigation

There was a chemical accident at the Brimhall Aquatic Complex on Thursday morning around 7:30 am. Swim lessons and competitive swim teams were present at the time. Early reports suggest that sodium bicarbonate and bleach were accidentally mixed, causing harmful fumes to be released. Seven people, including five employees and two participants, were affected and…

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A 3-year-old child near Mesa accidentally shot himself in the head and is currently hospitalized.

Mesa, Arizona —A heartbreaking event occurred close to the intersection of Crismon Road and Main Street in Mesa, Arizona, as a 3-year-old boy accidentally inflicted a gunshot wound to his head. Urgently, he was transported to a nearby trauma center, facing life-threatening injuries. On a typical day, the young child accessed a firearm and accidentally…

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