Ryan Wesley Routh: From Foreign Fighter to Alleged Assailant

Ryan Wesley Routh, the man charged with plotting to assassinate former President Donald Trump, previously made headlines for his attempts to recruit foreign fighters to bolster Ukraine’s defense against Russia. Reports indicate that Routh’s recruitment efforts were met with widespread skepticism and rejection from the Ukrainian volunteer forces.

Routh, 58, arrived in Ukraine in March 2023 with intentions to support the war effort but was quickly dismissed by other foreign fighters, who described him as a “wack job” and noted that he seemed “off,” according to sources cited by the New York Post. One American volunteer, who chose to remain anonymous due to concerns about potential Russian retaliation, remarked, “There are always individuals like that who come along, eager to be seen as important, but he was particularly extreme.”

Evelyn Aschenbrenner, an American member of Ukraine’s international legion, shared similar concerns. Upon learning of Routh’s arrest on Sunday for allegedly lying in wait with an SKS-style rifle at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, Aschenbrenner commented, “That tracks.”

Previously, Routh had told the Financial Times that he was turned away from Ukraine’s international legion due to his age and lack of battlefield experience, with suggestions that he might instead focus on “recruiting and coordinating.” However, the volunteer force has denied any association with Routh and disavowed his independent recruitment efforts. Sources revealed that Routh even attempted to recruit former Afghan commandos, further straining his relationship with the Ukrainian forces.

Aschenbrenner recounted a text exchange with Routh in which he presented a list of “five to six thousand Afghan names” as potential recruits. “Who has vetted them? Do they even have passports? Do they have military experience?” she questioned. “You have no authority to be talking to people about recruitment.”

Another member of the foreign legion criticized Routh’s actions, suggesting they were ultimately harmful to Ukraine’s cause. “His misguided efforts are not going to be beneficial for support for Ukraine, though the extent is hard to determine,” the member stated.

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