Repeat Offender Sentenced for Fentanyl Sales and Escaping Law Enforcement

Phoenix, AZ – Carlos Pacheco (DOB: 11/90) has been handed a significant sentence by Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell for a series of crimes involving fentanyl trafficking and evasion of law enforcement.

“Fentanyl is a poison, and those who distribute it will face the full force of the law,” emphasized County Attorney Rachel Mitchell. “Our aggressive stance aims to curb the spread of this deadly substance in our communities before it inflicts further harm.”

Pacheco’s sentencing relates to three separate incidents throughout 2021, each highlighting his persistent criminal activities:

January 1: Pacheco attempted to enter Luke Air Force Base with an AR-15 rifle and a backpack. When confronted by military police, a struggle ensued, and he fled, leaving behind a backpack containing over 1,000 fentanyl pills and $2,000 in cash.

July 25: A Department of Public Safety Trooper discovered Pacheco asleep at the wheel in a Phoenix interstate off-ramp. Upon attempting to intervene, Pacheco fled the scene, evading capture.

December 21: Phoenix Police observed Pacheco engaged in fentanyl sales in a hotel parking lot. He then led authorities on a pursuit across Phoenix, dropping off his girlfriend with a backpack holding 1,500 fentanyl pills and $2,700 cash. After a prolonged chase, Pacheco was apprehended, and police discovered an additional $7,060 in cash in his vehicle.

At the time of these offenses, Pacheco was prohibited from possessing firearms, further complicating his legal predicament.

Following separate trials, Pacheco was convicted on multiple charges including Sale or Transportation of Narcotic Drugs, Misconduct Involving Weapons, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Unlawful Flight from Law Enforcement, Possession of Narcotic Drugs for Sale, and Money Laundering.

“This case underscores the grave consequences of drug trafficking and evading law enforcement,” Mitchell added. “Carlos Pacheco’s actions endangered lives and disrupted public safety. Today’s sentencing serves justice and sends a clear message about the consequences of such criminal behavior.”

As the community continues its efforts to combat drug-related crimes, Mitchell urged vigilance and cooperation among residents and law enforcement agencies to protect neighborhoods from the devastating impacts of illegal narcotics

Carlos Pacheco’s sentencing marks a significant step in addressing drug-related offenses in Phoenix, emphasizing the need for comprehensive measures to prevent such crimes from endangering the community further.


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