Nicki Minaj Arrested in Amsterdam: Impact on Pink Friday 2 World Tour

By Thee Arizona Times, May 25th, 2024

Nicki Minaj, 12 time Grammy- winning, dynamic and influential rapper, singer, and songwriter, has long been a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. Her bold lyrics, unapologetic persona, and undeniable talent have garnered her legions of fans worldwide. However, as she embarks on her latest tour, her journey is marred by unexpected controversy.

The anticipation for Minaj’s tour was palpable among her devoted fan base, eagerly awaiting the chance to witness her electrifying performances and larger-than-life stage presence. The tour promised to be a spectacle, showcasing Minaj’s unparalleled artistry and showcasing her extensive catalog of hits.

However, just as the tour was gaining momentum, news of Minaj’s arrest sent shockwaves through the entertainment world. On Saturday Nicki Minaj was detained in Amsterdam Schipols Airport. The Dutch Police confirmed that Minaj was arrested. The Officials claimed that Minaj was “carrying drugs’ in her luggage.

According to Minaj she states that they already checked her bags and that this was an attempt to stop her show. On she states “They’re trying to keep me from MANCHESTER”. The 41 year old rapper was told to that she was under arrest and will be transported to the police station and was asked to enter their vehicle. Minaj had additional disruptions during her Pink Friday 2 World Tour as she also dealt with firing several different management team members.

Nicki Minaj recorded her own arrested through a live stream on Instagram. When she was being arrested, Minaj responded ” I’m not carrying drugs.” Through the frustration of the situation she requested that she get a lawyer. Minaj also mentioned on ” This is Amsterdam BTW, where weed is legal. She also states that her security confirms that the pre-rolls belonged to him.

We will keep you updated as details unravel.