Local Hero or Rule Breaker? David Martin’s Water Stand Sparks Debate in Goodyear

David Martin, a custom sneaker creator, has become a topic of conversation in his Goodyear neighborhood—not for his unique footwear, but for his community spirit. Martin and his wife set up a free water stand in their driveway during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering cold water to neighbors, children, and delivery drivers.

“I don’t believe I’m doing anything wrong,” Martin said. “I think I’m just doing what we should all do—looking out for our community.”

The water stand quickly became a beloved fixture, with Martin and his wife stocking it at their own expense. Neighbors also began contributing, with some leaving cases of water anonymously. “Every year, I probably receive about 30-40 cases of water,” Martin shared. “It’s always a pleasant surprise.”

However, this act of kindness has recently faced challenges. In May, the Martins were cited by FS Residential, the management company for the Canyon Trails Homeowners’ Association, for having items in plain view, resulting in a $50 fine. The fines increased to $100 per month in June, July, and August due to non-compliance.

“It’s completely absurd; I don’t get it,” Martin expressed. “I’m sorry, but I don’t care that the cooler is blue and gray while my house is tan and brown; it’s providing cold water to the community.”

Martin recalls being contacted by his HOA a couple of years ago and believed the water stand was approved. He’s now puzzled as to why this has become an issue again.

“I just don’t understand why they want to make an issue of this,” Martin said. “I’ve made it clear: I’m not taking the cooler down.”

Despite the ongoing fines, Martin remains committed to his cause. “I’m going to continue to support my community in the best way I can,” he affirmed.

Arizona’s Family reached out to the HOA and FS Residential for comment but has yet to receive a response.

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