Drake drops  ” The Heart Part 6 ”  Unraveling the Feud with Kendrick Lamar

Is this the end of the battle as allegations in diss track ” The Heart Part 6 ” are claimed planted

The ongoing feud between Kendrick and Drake has taken the music world by Storm. Kendrick’s recent diss track, “Meet the Grahams,” has heightened the battle, leaving fans wondering who will emerge victorious. Kendrick Lamar dropped “Not Like Us’ ‘ yesterday and got a response by Drake with ” The Heart Part 6 “where Drake’s opening line, “We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information,” hints at a calculated move to strike back at Kendrick.The shocking allegations raised by Kendrick in his diss track include Drake’s alleged secret daughter, his fatherhood responsibilities, and encounters with underage females. In his response, Drake firmly denies any inappropriate interactions with minors.

He questions Kendrick’s claims and demands receipts to back up previous accusations of him being a “rat.” Drake subtly insinuates that Kendrick’s manager, Dave Free, may have had interactions with Kendrick’s wife.This move takes a jab at Kendrick’s fatherhood by highlighting his absence from his children’s lives. This response to Kendrick from bringing up Adonis in the previous diss leads to Drake antagonizing  Kendricks upbringings taking a hit to Kendrick track “Mr Morale”. Drake says “This is trauma from your own confessions” Despite Kendrick’s denial of being molested, Drake believes there’s healing Kendrick needs to address. Drake goes on to say he does not want to diss Kendrick anymore.  Insinuating that Kendrick is going down this rabbit hole because Kendrick has some healing that he needs to do. 

Exposing Drake, Meet the Grahams

Prior to ” The Heart Part 6 ” Drake released “Family Matters” in response to Kendrick’s “6:16 in La.”Kendrick shared an image featuring a Maybach glove, allegedly taken from a suitcase stolen from Drake’s father. The suitcase contained various items, including prescription pills (such as Ozempic for weight loss and insomnia medication), a receipt from Popular Jewelry, and more. Kendrick claims to have insider information due to a possible mole within Drake’s entourage. Kendrick’s rapid response, “Meet the Grahams,” aimed to expose Drake further. Through Kendrick clever word playKendrick reveals personal details about Drake’s life including His son Adonis, His mother Sandra and her sons habits, Alleged surgeries Drake underwent. And most shockingly, an alleged hidden daughter. Kendrick wanted to send out a message to expose who Drake really is and things he has been accused of.

The Unanswered Questions

Both artists have made serious allegations, but tangible proof remains elusive. Kendrick alleges an 11-year-old daughter hidden by Drake. Drake counters, claiming that all these allegations were bait and lies orchestrated by his OVO team. Will either artist provide concrete evidence to validate their claims? Not to include also in Kendrick’s previous diss “Euphoria addressing Drake’s encounter with Millie Brown where Drake’s brief response “Not Millie Bobby Browns i’d never look twice at no teenager”.  According to Millie during the 2018 Emmy Awards, she openly discussed their relationship, saying, “You know we text. We just texted each other the other day, and he was like ‘I miss you so much,’ and I was like ‘I miss you more.’ He’s great” .


