Hunter Biden Faces A Three-Count Indictment Over Possessing A Gun Unlawfully

The president’s son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty on June 11 in Wilmington, Delaware federal court by a 12-person jury. Hunter Biden is now the first child of a serving US president to be found guilty of a felony after they found him guilty on all three counts against him on Tuesday.

The 54-year-old Biden, is charged with three counts of making false statements in order to get a gun and keep it while using illegal drugs in 2018.

Hunter Biden bought a Colt Cobra.38 special revolver in October 2018 from StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply, a gun store in Wilmington, Delaware, where the Biden family resides. According to Delaware’s gun rules, every buyer must complete a Firearm Transaction Record form. The following is one of the form’s questions: “Are you an addict or illegal user of marijuana or any other controlled substance, stimulant, depressant, or narcotic drug?” includes choices for “Yes” and “No” responses. Despite being a cocaine addict at the time, Hunter Biden is said to have answered “No” to this inquiry. 

The US Department of Justice states that Hunter Biden may serve a maximum of 25 years in prison if he is found guilty on all counts.

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Although his sentence has not yet been set, his attorney, Abbe Lowell, has pledged to challenge his conviction on firearms charges. On June 18, the Supreme Court ordered that a different defendant who was challenging the same legislation as unconstitutional have his case reexamined by an appeals court.

The law is constitutional, the Supreme Court said in a recent 8-1 decision, and Americans can be temporarily denied the right to bear arms for the safety of others. Justice Clarence Thomas was the only person to disagree.

Since the appointment of Special Counsel David Weiss, the Biden legal team had been depending on Hail Mary passes, and it appeared to be working, as the attorney general appeared to make a concerted effort to keep the president’s son out of trouble with the law.

The Justice Department attempted to complete an outrageous plea deal that spared Hunter from jail time in addition to allowing the statute of limitations to run on serious offenses. Judge Noreika chose to ask the prosecution a few pointed questions at the hearing to accept the plea, mostly over a broad immunity clause that seemed to encompass all of Hunter’s offenses. The prosecution acknowledged that he had never witnessed a settlement for a criminal that was this kind. 

The Biden side appeared reluctant to settle for anything less than a victory on a single toss as the plea collapsed. In court, they urged the prosecutor to “just rip it up.”

Next, the Biden legal team made a mistake by using a jury nullification tactic to get the issue to trial. 

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