Glendale AZ Teen Accused of Second Degree Murder in Father’s Killing

 Glendale Az- A 14- year old boy is accused of killing his father.  Records show He was arrested Tuesday after attempting to evade state troopers speeding 130 mph through kingman. The 14 year old could be facing a charge of second degree murder for the killing of Joshua L. Goldman (Father). 

According to Azfamily news the shooting occurred shortly before 4 p.m. in the vicinity of 66th Avenue and Delmonico Lane, situated just south of Olive Avenue. Authorities are currently investigating the incident.

Police suspect the teenager shot his father during a family fight. Court records show that the Goldmans daughter reported getting into a fight with their father before the 14 year old intervened with a gun. “She says the shooting happened on the other side of her door and she did not see the shooting. Goldmans father was also in the house in another room; he reportedly heard the arguments and the Gunshot . He also did not witness the shooting.

When police arrived they found Goldmans other child trying to help him while the 14 year old had left the residence. Goldman was taken to the hospital where he died of his injuries.

 According to police statements, both witnesses confirmed that the suspect hastily left the scene alongside a companion. Surveillance footage from a Ring doorbell camera captured the two individuals sprinting away from the residence following the shooting. 

Notably, both were seen carrying bags. During the escape, the friend allegedly asked, “Did you get the gun?” to which the suspect replied affirmatively with a simple, “Yeah.” The investigation continues as authorities piece together the events surrounding this incident.

They were seen leaving in a Toyota Camry. 

At around 7pm a state trooper located a vehicle the suspect was traveling in and attempted to do a traffic stop.The suspect led them into a high speed chase where troopers had to deploy a grappling device to immobilize the vehicle near kingman.

During an interview with investigators, the 14-year-old alleged that his father attempted to push him, leading to a physical altercation with a sibling. The suspect claimed that his father grabbed a holstered gun from his waist, prompting the son to draw his own firearm. Due to the suspect’s age his name has not been released.

The son clarified that he did not intend to shoot his father but was trying to stop him. After the shooting, the suspect disclosed that he was attempting to drive to Nevada. Goldman’s daughter confirmed that they had an argument about her phone, but she maintained that her father never physically assaulted her. However, she suspected that he was under the influence of drugs when he arrived at their home on Tuesday afternoon.

According to her, both Goldman and her brother habitually carried weapons, and it was not uncommon for her father to wear a holster on his belt.

Police records indicate that the father’s gun remained fully inserted in its holster, with no signs of removal or discharge.

The teen’s friend contradicted the suspect’s version of events. The friend informed investigators that they did not witness Goldman reaching for his gun before he was shot. The legal implications for the person accompanying Goldman remain uncertain.