Federal Investigators Apprehend Eight Suspects with ISIS Ties in U.S.

Federal investigators recently apprehended eight foreign nationals in the United States, all of whom are suspected of having connections to the terrorist group ISIS. The individuals arrested are from Tajikistan.

The arrests occurred in Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia.They are currently facing immigration charges. There was no active terror plot, but concerns arose after information came to light through wiretaps.

Law enforcement had previously vetted these individuals upon their entry into the U.S., and there was no indication of ISIS ties at that time. Deporting them to Tajikistan is challenging due to operational and diplomatic reasons.

FBI Director Christopher Wray had warned about human smuggling operations at the southern border potentially bringing in people with terror group connections.

The arrests were carried out in coordination with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces. While there is no immediate threat, authorities remain vigilant in identifying and disrupting potential threats to national security.

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