Arizona Woman Suffers Loss As Hit-And-Run Driver Damages Her Home

Phoenix police are investigating an accident in south Phoenix after a security camera captured a hit-and-run vehicle smashing into a woman’s yard, damaging her home, fence, and automobiles. 

A broken fence and two wrecked cars were among the remnants she pointed out. One of those cars was forced into the area of her house that she uses as an office, causing damage to the ceiling and walls. 

The crash occurred at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday in a neighborhood near 16th Street and Broadway Road, where Sylvia Fuentes was sleeping in her house. 

As reported by ABC15, Fuentes stated that she “heard the big boom but I didn’t think anything of it, I didn’t know what it was. I was half asleep.” She went back to sleep, but discovered the full extent of the destruction outdoors when she woke up a short while later. 

Homeowner Fuentes remarked, “I came back out and I said, oh, wait, something’s wrong here.”

Fuentes called the Phoenix Police Department around 12:30 on Sunday morning, but by time, investigators said the driver had left with the car.

The footage from Fuentes’ Ring security camera records the moment the car hits the property before suddenly freezing. Fuentes explains that this is because a portion of her home, including the security camera, lost electricity as a result of the collision.

A car that looked like orange was seen smoldering in the driveway in footage that other nearby residents took soon after the collision. Someone may be seen opening the driver’s side door.

The driver fled and Fuentes is now hoping that the driver be located and charged.

She informed ABC15 of her message to the driver and any other parties who could have been affected. 

“Please return. Accept responsibility for your actions. Be a man, a woman, or whoever you are,” Fuentes urged. 

According to AZ Family, Fuentes says she is fighting cancer and currently works two jobs simply to make ends meet.

“You know, when you’re already struggling with life, health concerns, and everything else, it’s a dreadful nightmare. After that, you need to handle this. “Words cannot express it,” Fuentes stated.

“I’m pretty strong. I’m a damn strong person, but you know what they say, even rocks crack. This cracked me,” said Fuentes.

A GoFundMe page has been created by family members to assist with her rebuilding. 

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