Protecting America’s Supply Chains: Biden’s Executive Order Impact

On June 14, 2024, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. issued an Executive Order establishing the White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience, building upon the framework set forth in Executive Order 14017 of February 24, 2021. The new order emphasizes the critical need for robust, secure, and diversified supply chains to safeguard America’s economic prosperity, public health, and national security. Addressing various threats such as pandemics, cyber attacks, climate impacts, and geopolitical tensions, the order underscores the importance of bolstering domestic manufacturing, enhancing research and development, fostering innovation, and fortifying infrastructure.

Key to achieving resilient supply chains are increased domestic production, a flexible supplier network, redundancies, secure transportation systems, critical infrastructure protection, strategic stockpiling, secure data networks, reliable food systems, and a competitive American manufacturing sector. Collaboration with allies and partners is also highlighted to enhance global supply chain resilience, economic security, and innovation, thereby reinforcing collective capacity to respond to international crises.

The Executive Order defines terms such as “critical goods and materials” and “other essential goods, materials, and services,” while directing coordinated efforts through the White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience. Led by the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy as Co-Chairs, the Council includes key Cabinet members and agency heads. It is tasked with promoting federal efforts to strengthen supply chain resilience, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend measures to mitigate risks.

Moreover, the Council will conduct a quadrennial review of critical industries, focusing on supply chain monitoring and data timeliness, and will submit reports with policy recommendations to the President every four years. The order ensures coordination with stakeholders from private industry, academia, NGOs, and governmental entities to advance these objectives while upholding fairness, competitiveness, and workforce empowerment.

This Executive Order reaffirms and supplements previous directives, ensuring alignment with national security priorities and economic policies, and providing a strategic framework for long-term resilience in America’s supply chains.

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