Mama Kingston’s Everything Everyday Sauce: Controversy and Legal Issues

May 25th, 2024

Janice Turner, 61, bravely navigates the role of a mother to singer Sean Kingston, born Kisean Jamal Anderson. Recognized for her entrepreneurial spirit, Turner introduced Mama Kingston’s Everything Everyday sauce in 2023, demonstrating her determination and creativity in the face of challenges.

Mamas History

Turner has experienced a number of legal challenges throughout the years. From bank fraud to theft charges, her criminal past is a complex web of illegal activities. According to federal court records, Janice Turner admitted guilt in January 2006 to bank fraud, for which she was sentenced to 16 months in prison. She admitted to four counts of filing false loan applications and one count of bank fraud. The seriousness of her crime underscores the depth of her involvement in fraudulent activities.

Fast forward to the present day, Sean Kingston’s mother found herself in a difficult situation when she was arrested at the rental property, despite Sean Kingston not being present at the time. The arrest took place during a raid at his South Florida mansion, and authorities also detained Janice Turner. She is now facing a total of 8 charges, including organized scheme to defraud, criminal use of personal identification information, grand theft, and writing insufficient funds checks. The investigation into her alleged criminal activity is still ongoing, adding further stress to the situation.

Turner along with her son has spent the last few months, from October to March, engaging in fraudulent activities targeted at an exotic car dealer, as well as various jewelry stores, Maree Mattress, and other establishments, resulting in a total loss exceeding 1.1 million dollars. In addition to these offenses, Turner is also facing charges related to grand theft, organized crime to defraud, issuing insufficient funds checks, and the unlawful use of personal identification information. Recent arrest warrants reveal that Janice Turner is accused of defrauding Bank of America out of $100,000, with the alleged scheme involving the criminal use of personal identification information and organized fraud.

Summary Fraud Claims: Turner and Sean Kingston orchestrated deceptive schemes targeting multiple companies from October to March. Their actions included obtaining $86,568.33 worth of furniture from Maree mattress seller, with Turner issuing a check for $44,298.33 which later bounced due to insufficient funds. The recipient of the check remains undisclosed, but it is evident that Sean Kingston was also complicit in these fraudulent activities. Additionally, they acquired a $159,701.49 Cadillac Escalade from Ocean Auto Club, an exotic car dealer. There was also a total of over $200,000 stolen from Bank of America and over $100,000 from First Republic Bank.

Investigations are still being conducted as Turner is held in Paul Rein Detention Facility.